Foothills Cattle Producers
is a group of individuals in South Dakota who realize the critical situation the cattle industry is currently in. They realize it's time to step up and demand a fair price for the best beef in the world.
Our mission is to spread knowledge and awareness of the economic impact beef cattle have on our community, our state and our nation. Our goal is to re-introduce country of origin labeling (COOL) for beef.
Local beef goes to the school lunch program at Wessington Springs School

Wessington Springs School was pleased to add local beef to the lunch menu in the 2022-2023 school year. It is estimated that the school will need 4 to 5 animals each year to make the program sustainable.
Donations can be accepted in 3 different ways:
1 - donate the beef animal
2 - transport the animal to the locker
3 - pay for the processing fees at the locker
If you are interested in donating to the Wessington Springs School Lunch program, please contact Mary Argo at (605)539-9311.

The Cattle Markets are in trouble: What can you do to help?
There are a few different ways you can help. Please do all of them, if you choose.
1. Contact your legislators. They need to hear from you to enact change! Go to the Take Action page to find the contact information and some possible text you can use, if you choose.
2. Make a donation to our cause. Foothills Cattle Producers is made up of cattle producers themselves, so they rely heavily on donated funds to make their efforts a reality. CLICK HERE TO DONATE.
3. Contact us to let us know what we can do to help you and if you have ideas on how you can help us. We are open to suggestions. Visit the Contact page.
Roundup with Corbitt Walls

On January 3, 2020, Foothills Producers hosted an event for local cattle producers to listen to Corbitt Walls, commercial cattle manager and livestock market analyst for DVAuction. He gave a humbling report on the state of the cattle industry and the history of the cattle markets. The event hosted many local producers and inspired many to ask how we can spark change.

Photo by True Dakotan.
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